Sunday, January 25, 2009

here we go...

So livejournal isn't doing it for me. It's sort of a trivial difference, I suppose, but somehow a "blog" seems so much more sophisticated than a "livejournal." It's like the difference between a diary and a journal: the first seems so much more gossipy, me-centric, something you'd hide under your bed and hope your brother didn't find; the second sounds like something you'd whip out during your travels in Europe so as to jot down your always-interesting observations, perhaps with the end goal of later collecting your recorded thoughts into an award-winning novel. A blog, then, is the post-journal step: something bigger than yourself, something of import, something that goes beyond the simple recording of thoughts and treads closer to the award-winning novel.

I know. I'm not fooling anyone when I say that a blog is going to be any better written, more important, or somehow more sophisticated than a livejournal, yet I still think it's the next step. It's a move away from the ridiculous "community" of livejournal. I don't want to show up on friends pages, I don't want my words to be something that show up differently depending on who's viewing it. I want this to be my blog; check it if you will; comment if you will (I hope you will); think about it (and tell me what you think about it); take it or leave it.

Sadly, it's still google operated and not nearly as cool as something I own myself, but maybe that will come later. In the meantime, this is where I plan to be writing (when I write:) As for the title, it comes from a thought that was echoed, ironically enough, on the wrapper of the Dove chocolate I just consumed: "happiness is celebrating the little things." I don't imagine that this blog will necessarily be full of little things that should make you, oh remote reader, happy, but it is something that I try to find for myself in life. And as a reflection of life (only, like I said, much more sophisticated:), it seemed like a fitting blog title. But that's enough. More to come...


aimee said...

Those Dove chocolates are just so insightful. We have one on our fridge right now that says, "You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

little happinesses: said...

You know what's on our fridge? A save-the-date picture of you and BJ! heh. I know, it's been months and months, but you guys are so fricken cute I can't take it down!

As for your Dove nugget of wisdom, maybe it should say "and sometimes you'll discover that your ocean was pretty rad after all, and that you should come back to it after a while":)